August 24, 2005

Domain names boom in China

About 720,000 websites under the domain name .cn have been registered in China by the end of July 2005, according to latest statistics released by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) (Xinhua). It would be interesting to know the percentage of domain names in Chinese characters, and how many names have been registered twice (both in Roman characters and Chinese characters).


Anonymous said...

I have invested in a few .CN names. I would like to see a lot more .CN names developed into robust websites. That's the only way the namespace will get any "legs" and take off. I guess it's just a matter of time, given the fact that China has such a massive and upwardly mobile population.

Robert said...

Since .com's are running out, there's a new boom in .ws domains running. There are very good chances you find your direct name or organisation available.

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