Effective July 1, Danish Registry will be able to suspend typosquatted domain names (new paragraph 8.3.6 of
its rules).
The registrant of a domain name which is subject to active public use who discovers that a nearly identical domain name has been subsequently put into active use may notify DK Hostmaster. Following such notification, the managing director of DK Hostmaster and the chair of the board of DIFO may jointly decide to suspend the notified domain name, provided three conditions are met:
- There must be an obvious risk of Internet users who are looking for the registrant’s domain name, through an input error being directed to a webpage or other service available under the notified domain name,
- The registrant of the notified domain name has no trademark rights, rights to names or other distinctive marks in respect of the notified domain name,
- The Registrant of the notified domain name or another person who may be suspected of operating a business in close association with him or her has undertaken registration of other domain names with an evident risk of confusion.
Before acting, the Danish Registry will contact the domain name owner for an
explanation. If the Registry does not hear from her in the following 72 hours, or if the explanation does not convince the Registry to stop the suspension, the domain name will be suspended. The name will be deleted after four weeks if the owner does not file a complaint before the DIFO Complaints Board for Domain Names.
The managing director of DK Hostmaster and the chair of the board of DIFO already had the right to suspend or delete a name in case of "manifest and illegal risk of confusion" (paragraph 8.3.4). The new provision may thus seem redundant.