May 27, 2007

Domain names and free speech

The First Amendment can limit the expansion of trademark rights on the internet. This is the thesis of Margreth Barrett in her lengthy paper Domain Names, Trademarks, and the First Amendment: Searching for Meaningful Boundaries, Connecticut Law Review, vol. 39, 2007.

Quotation: "Unlike book, song and movie titles, the domain names may not identify or distinguish any goods or services for sale, so that First Amendment expression is not intertwined with commercial promotion, as in the case of books or movies. The domain names constitute pure expression."


Anonymous said...

"the domain names may not identify or distinguish any goods or services for sale"

I strongly disagree. Domain names are indeed distinctive signs : they can identify the origin of commercial offers.

CM said...

Most of the domain names are used for commercial purposes. But not all of them. The author focuses on the former category.

Mandine said...


je recherche des informations sur les pays ayant lancé des initiatives orignilaes pour mettre en valeur leurs noms de domaines (apparemment, Tokelau a signé un accord avec eBay pour devienne le signe de site d enchères). Est ce que vous avez d'autres exemples de ce genre là?
Merci de votre réponse!

CM said...

L'île de Tokelau a effectivement une politique active de visibilité au travers de son domaine.
La source la plus complète sur l'histoire de cette valorisation est le livre Addressing the world d'Erica Wass. Je parle un peu de ce nom dans 4 billets sur ce blog.
Par ailleurs, de nombreux domaines peuvent être assimilés à des marques !

Anonymous said...

Is very good
carlosl opez

Anonymous said...

I strongly believe that,domain names should identify goods and services,I'm not ready to buy author's argument..Domain names are meant for this...
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